Water Reuse

MWD plans on implementing a Water Reuse Project to supplement secondary water supplies.  The Water Reuse Project will provide additional treatment processes at the WWTP allowing treated effluent to be beneficially used within the District’s secondary water system to meet outdoor irrigation demands.  The project will provide a reliable water source that will help ensure that MWD can efficiently and economically meet the current and future needs of our customers.



Update on MWD's Water Reuse Project

We're pleased to bring you the latest update on the Water Reuse Project.  As we progress with the construction of the new reuse facility, here's what you need to know:

Current Progress:

  • The construction of the reuse facility is well underway, with significant milestones reached in its development. See photos in the slide show below for progress updates

What's Next:

  • We are on track for the facility to be operational by the end of this irrigation season, aligning with our goal to supplement our secondary water supplies efficiently and sustainably.

Impact and Benefits:

  • Once online, the Water Reuse Project will significantly contribute to our district's water conservation efforts, providing a reliable water source for outdoor irrigation demands.
  • This project underscores MWD's commitment to meeting the current and future needs of our customers in an eco-friendly and economically viable manner.

Looking Forward:

  • We will continue to keep you updated on our progress and look forward to sharing the official launch of the reuse facility.

Thank you for your continued support and interest in MWD's initiatives to ensure a sustainable and secure water future for our community.

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