Rates & Policies

Listed below, you will find our current service rates. If you do not find the information you need, please contact our office and we will provide it for you.  If you would like to see all Rates & Fees, pleasae click here.

Drinking Water Residential and Commercial Service Rates

Monthly Minimum:
Water Included w/ Minimum Bill:
Tier (gal.): $/1,000 gal.:
6,001-12,000 $2.52
12,001-17,000 $2.84
17,001-9,999,999,999 $3.22
Water Tiers Price
Tier 1/Base Rate (Includes first 6,000 gallons) $23.25 Minimum Fee
Tier 2 (6,001 - 18,000 gallons) $2.52 per 1,000 gallons
Tier 3 (18,001 - 35,000 gallons) $2.84 per 1,000 gallons
Tier 4 (Over 35,001 gallons) $3.22 per 1,000 gallons


Rates are based on one (1) residential equivalent (RE), one RE equals a single family residence with a standard (5/8") meter. Our District's water meters are read each month. Please contact our office for any additional information.

Drinking Water Residential Billing Examples

Description Amount
Usage (gal.): Bill Total:
0-6,000 $23.25
10,000 $33.33
20,000 $59.17
37,000+ $108.21+

Examples are based on one (1) residential equivalent (RE), one RE equals a single family residence with a standard (5/8") meter.

Secondary Water Residential Service Rates for 0.00 - 0.24 Acres

Monthly Minimum:
Water Included w/ Minimum Bill:
Tier (gal.): $/1,000 gal.:
0-22,000 $1.20
22,001-37,000 $1.42
37,001-9,999,999,999 $2.15

Rates are for a lot size from 0.00 to 0.24 acres - equal to 1 RE (Residential Equivalent)


Secondary Water Residential Billing Examples for 0 - 0.24 Acres

Description Amount
Usage (gal.): Bill Total:
10,000 $16.50
20,000 $28.50
37,000 $52.20
75,000+ $133.90+

Examples are calculated based on a lot size from 0.00 to 0.24 acres. 

Secondary Water Residential Service Rates for 0.25 to 0.49 Acres

Monthly Minimum
Water included w/ minimum bill
Tier (gal.): $/1000 gal.
0-45,000 1.20
45,001 - 75,000 1.42
75,001 - 9,999,999,999 2.15

Rates are for a lot size from 0.25 to 0.49 acres - equal to 1 RE

Lots from 0.50 to 0.99 acres - equal to 2 RE - monthly minimum times 2 ($18.00)

Lots from 1.00 and larger - equal to 5 RE - monthly minimum time 5 ($45.00)

Secondary Water Residential Billing Examples for 0.25 to 0.49 Acres

10,000 $21.00
20,000 $33.00
37,000 $53.40
75,000+ $105.60+

Examples are calculated based on a lot size of 0.25 to 0.49 acres.



Secondary Water Residential Billing Examples for 0.50 to 0.99 Acres

Monthly Minimum $18.00
Usage Bill Total
10,000 $30.00
20,000 $42.00
37,000 $62.40
75,000+ $114.60+

Examples are calculated based on a lot size of 0.50 to 0.99 acres.

Sewer Service Residential Rates

Monthly Minimum 35.17

Rates are based on one (1) residential equivalent (RE), one RE equals a single family residence. Sewer rate for a commercial connection is calculated based on water usage with the concept of water-in sewer-out, number of RE's calculated times the minimum, and an overage rate of $1.90/1,000 gallons over 8,010/month.

Property Taxes